Tried and True Way to Grow Your Instagram Account

Tried and True Way to Grow Your Instagram Account

Slow and steady wins the race, so they say. Sometimes this method seems like you’ll never reach your ultimate goal. I’m going to break down the tried and true way to grow your Instagram Account.

I get it, the race to 10,000 followers is crucial for your business. The coveted swipe up feature will easily help drive traffic to your website. 10,000 followers seems like forever!

How To Grow

So you post daily and follow a few big profiles so your feed isn’t so bare. The only problem is no one seems to be following you. Relevant hashtags are only bringing in so many results and growing your page at this rate is looking like a 10 year project.

Aside from using tactics like buying followers to follow/unfollowing with software. The best way to get eyes to your profile and ultimately to your website is by following accounts in your niche. Here is the strategy I have used.

Finding Similar Accounts

It’s easy to find profiles that are in your niche. Simply search through relevant hashtags. After following an account Instagram usually recommends similar accounts. Another way to find similar accounts is by checking out the followers of the accounts you are following. Likely they are also following profiles in your niche.


Following massive pages or even medium size pages likely will not lead into a followback. Unless you really want to be updated about their journey, it is probably pointless to think you’ll grab their attention. What I look for in growing my account are profiles that are just starting out. They are in the same boat as you with trying to grow their profile.

A good strategy is to look at their activity. If they haven’t posted in 2 months, chances are they may not be using the platform anymore. I look for profiles that post frequently. I am also looking to see if the profile is following as much as they have followers. This will ensure you’ll get a follow back. If they have way more followers than they are following, you may not get a follow.

You want to prove that you are an engager, so liking their last three posts and hitting the follow button will help earn their follow. However, engagement should not stop there. Continuing to engage is important for growth. The same is true for any social media platform. Commenting on posts is also important. When you comment on a post, especially smaller accounts, they will notice you even more. Chances are if you are engaging with them they will reciprocate. This will also lead to them viewing your bio and checking out your website, blog, YouTube channel or what ever it is you are promoting.


This strategy can easily grow to 100-200 followers a week. The more you use the platform and engage, the more you’ll start to get new organic followers. Just be careful with going over board on the following process. You don’t want to getting flagged as a bot account. As far as un-following manually that is up to you, but I would advice against it. The exception would be if you have a ton of stale accounts that are no longer active.

Follow/Unfollow Apps

It’s tempting, but one of the worst ways to grow your Instagram account. Simply find the perfect thresh hold to successfully follow as many accounts as possible with out getting temporarily blocked by Instagram. Then unfollow those who haven’t followed back. Just don’t take that risk. Social media platforms have grown to be quite smart with their technology. They can detect this behavior and immediately flag you as a bot. This will ultimately stunt your organic growth and kill your Instagram account.

To Your Success

I hope this gave you some insight on how to grow your Instagram account. This of course is not the only way, but simply taking action and being consistent will yield the results you are looking for. Eventually leading to organic followers and your goal of 10,000.

If you enjoyed this article, check out Make Money on Instagram With Only 100 Followers. If you’re interested in seeing how we are able to travel around the world while blogging, click HERE.

Tried and True Way to Grow Your Instagram Account

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